Bee Removal San Diego

San Diego Bee Removal Services 

Do you have a troublesome honey bee swarm at your San Diego home or business? Do you have a hive that is a safety risk to your family or customers? Are you concerned because bees keep returning to your property? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need the services of San Diego Bee Removal Pros. 

At San Diego Bee Removal Pros, we have been providing high-quality bee removal services for customers in San Diego and the surrounding areas for almost 15 years. We are the trusted partner for countless San Diego homeowners and business owners who are experiencing a honey bee infestation in their home, attic or other structure on their properties. 

Our team of experienced live bee removal professionals can completely remove the bees and honeycomb so you can feel confident that your bee issues are resolved. And because we use safe and humane live bee removal methods, you can feel good knowing that you have chosen to remove your bees in the most environmentally friendly way possible. 

San Diego Bee Removal Pros Services 

As a full-service San Diego bee removal company, we offer a variety of services to meet the needs of our customers. Our expert technicians have a comprehensive understanding of bee behavior so they know that simply removing bees from the premises will not be a lasting solution to your bee infestation. San Diego Bee Removal Pros provides the following services for San Diego residents: 

  • Live Honey Bee Removal 
  • Honeycomb and Hive Removal 
  • Bee Removal Repairs 
  • Bee Proofing 
  • Rehoming of Bees to Local Beekeepers 

Bee Proofing Services San Diego 

Did you know that honey bees can enter your home or business through small cracks, holes and openings in vents? That’s why the bee proofing team at San Diego Bee Removal Pros inspects your structure for possible entry points and seals them up to prevent the bees from entering your home or business again in the future. 

After we remove your bees, we get to work making sure that the bees don’t return ever again. Using a very effective oil-based sealant, our team will spray the area to ensure that the bees can’t detect the odor from any remaining pheromones left behind by the hive. This deters bees from being attracted to your home again – and that’s a good thing! 

Humane Bee Removal Services in San Diego 

Protecting delicate bee populations is one of our primary concerns. At San Diego Bee Removal Pros, we never use harmful chemicals or pesticides in our bee removal or bee proofing services. We take great pride in our commitment to safely removing honey bees and honeycomb from your property. After removal, our team transfers the bees alive to our local apiary where the bees can thrive and pollinate. This means that the bees continue to positively contribute to our ecosystem. 

When you find a beehive or swarm on your property, never attempt to remove it on your own. Doing so could result in painful bee stings, expensive repairs or even honey bees returning to your home or business in the future. If you think you have a bee situation on your hands, contact San Diego Bee Removal Pros right away. Our expert live bee removal specialists can usually come to your property that same day to assess the situation and suggest the best course of action. 

San Diego Bee Removal Pros – Expert Bee Removal Services 

For live bee removal, bee removal repairs and bee proofing services in San Diego and the surrounding areas, contact San Diego Bee Removal Pros for a free quote and to talk to one of our bee removal specialists. Our team is ready to remove honey bees from your home or property today!